Bring 3 Dark Iron Bars, 20 Enchanted Leather, 3 Mooncloth and 4 Cured Rugged Hides to Anthion Harmon in the Eastern Plaguelands.
The entirety of this quest happens in Eastern Plaguelands.
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We didn't realize the importance of Valthalak's medallion, so it was divided along with the rest of the spoils. The first piece was taken by a dwarf named Theldren. I tried to retrieve it from him and he beat me within an inch of my life. You shall have to take the fragment by force.
Last I heard of him, he'd become a gladiator for the Dark Iron dwarves. Getting him to fight you is going to present a bit of a challenge, though.
Gather the following materials for me. You're going to need them.
Did you obtain the materials I asked for, <name>?
Excellent. I shall transmute these into something more suitable to our needs.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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