Bring 60 Bristleback Quilboar Tusks to Mankrik at the Crossroads.
The entirety of this quest happens in Mulgore.
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Perhaps you know the pain of uncertainty, perhaps not, <class>. But know this: I stand here every day, from the sun's rising till its decline, scouring the horizon for more of those monsters. I've killed every pig man I've come across since, but my thirst for their blood is far from quenched. Perhaps instead of heading north to the Crossroads I should have headed to Taurajo.
You, <class>--you could help me.
Kill them. Kill as many as you can. Bring me their tusks, and we will celebrate their deaths together.
You can choose one of these awards:
The quilboar will pay for this, <name>. I swear it.
<class>, you take my task seriously, and for that I thank you.
Although my desire for revenge remains, I can at least smile seeing that the quilboars have felt pain themselves.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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