The Killing Fields - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Killing Fields


Farmer Saldean wants you to kill 20 Harvest Watchers.
Harvest Watcher slain (20)


Part of this quest happens in Elwynn ForestWestfall.
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Look at what has happened to this place! These lands were once occupied by good farm folk. But the damned thieves have driven them all off. Not me, though! But it seems some Harvest Watchers have taken over the fields.

If you're up for the work, I'd like you to go out and kill twenty of them. Come back when you're done for your pay. If you finish up with the ones in my field, clear them from the neighboring fields as well.


You can choose one of these awards:
Harvester's Pants
Harvester's Robe


Ah, I see you're back! I hope you've been hard at work clearing those fields of those Harvest Watchers. Have you killed twenty yet?


Good work, friend. You have earned your pay well. Who knows, perhaps Westfall will prosper once again.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 110 experience (6 60 at max. level)

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