A Better Ingredient - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
A Better Ingredient


4.A Better Ingredient
Retrieve a Putrid Vine from the guardian at the bottom of the Sunken Temple and return to Torwa Pathfinder.
Putrid Vine


The entirety of this quest happens in Un'Goro Crater.
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It is as I feared -- the toxin is simply too weak for such a powerful creature.

If we are to create a toxin of high enough potency, you must venture to the bottom of the Temple of Atal'Hakkar, unlock the secrets of the altar and recover a putrid vine from the guardian there. The temple is dangerous, and it would behoove you to bring friends.

Return to me when this is done.


You can choose one of these awards:
Grizzled Pelt
Forest's Embrace
Moonshadow Stave


Have you recovered the vine?


At last, the toxin can be created in full. I dare not require you to inflict it upon the creature again, as I have asked too much already.

You have my thanks and respect. May you be well in your travels, <name>.

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