Additional requirements to obtain this quest:
Your reputation with
Argent Dawn must be at least Honored
Father Inigo Montoy at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make a Belt of Faith if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Belt, 8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Arcane Crystals and 2 Mooncloth.
<Father Montoy makes some strange gestures in the air in front of you.>
Blessed boy, have you found the vestments of the fallen? The poor souls whose last breaths were taken on the field of battle - stripped of everything including their dignity.
Bring me the desecrated remnants of the departed along with reagents of purification and you shall know faith.
You will receive:
You got some missing parts for the quest please go and get them all!
Exellent <name> !
, you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Belt of Faith.
Additional Information