Purchase a flight back to Tranquillien in the Ghostlands and deliver Quartermaster Lymel's Goods to Quartermaster Lymel at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.
Provided Item:
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It all checks out as far as I can tell. Seems to me that the Forsaken have put their backs to the wall for us and we owe them, even if they are all ugly and rotting.
So, the question is, have you already spoken to Skymaster Sunwing in Tranquillien? If so, then this can be as simple as you paying the small fare and quickly flying back.
Let me know when you're ready.
Also, you get:
3 50
<class>, back so soon? Are those the goods that I sent you for? Doesn't look like it could possibly be everything that I asked for!
Well, I guess if he said that the rest of it will be coming quickly overland, then I'll take him at his word. He's certainly never failed to provide the goods in the short time that we've been working together.
Thank you, <name>, you're a credit to the sin'dorei! Here take this coin... it's done nothing but jingle around in my pocket all day.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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