Captives at Deatholme - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Captives at Deatholme


2.Captives at Deatholme
Take Renzithen's Restorative Draught to Deatholme and rescue Apprentice Varnis, Apothecary Enith and Ranger Vedoran. Return to Arcanist Janeda at the Sanctum of the Sun for a reward.
Apothecary Enith Rescued
Apprentice Varnis Rescued
Ranger Vedoran Rescued
Renzithen's Restorative Draught
Provided Item:
Renzithen's Restorative Draught


The entirety of this quest happens in Ghostlands.
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Ah, yes. One of my finest creations. This draught will break most forms of alchemically induced stupor.

Side effects include confusion, nausea and - in rare cases - temporary blindness. All much preferable to whatever the Scourge plans to do to those prisoners in Deatholme, if you ask me.

Best of luck, brave <class>. You are going to need it.


Also, you get: 25


What became of the prisoners in Deatholme? Have you ventured there yet?


Excellent job, <name>. Without your help those prisoners would've lost their minds and souls to the Scourge.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 200 experience (12 at max. level)
  • 300000 Reputation with Tranquillien

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