Deliver the signed Writ of Safe Passage to Dispatch Commander Metz at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.
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The entirety of this quest happens in Eastern Plaguelands.
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Without the help of adventurers, my caravan would have never made it! Scourge were coming out of the woodwork to try and stop us from getting here.
<Guard Didier wipes his brow.>
Now we need to wait here for Field Marshal Chambers to arrive. He'll sign your writ of safe passage to take back to Dispatch Commander Metz at Light's Hope Chapel.
And <name>, watch what you say around Chambers. He's the 'bite off your head and spit down your wind pipe' type of guy - except that he'll actually do it...
You can choose one of these awards:
Name, rank and serial number!
<Dispatch Commander Metz takes the writ and signs it.>
Excellent work, <name>. Outstanding even! Take this as a token of our appreciation. No pun intended, scrub.
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