Bring a Webwood Egg to Gilshalan in Aldrassil.
The entirety of this quest happens in Teldrassil.
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Now that I have the spiders' venom, I'd like some live specimens to study. Unfortunately, capturing a living, giant spider is more than I can ask of you, young <class>. And a giant spider is more than I could handle myself!
But if you can find an unhatched egg, then delivering specimens will be much easier, and I can then arrange for the unhatched spiders to be contained.
There must be a nest deep in the Shadowthread Cave. Please, search for an egg in the nest and return it to me.
You can choose one of these awards:
Have you been inside the Shadowthread Cave, <name>? Did you find a spider egg?
Ah, very good. I will have this egg and the venom transported to Darnassus, then return there when my studies are done here. I expect to find out a great deal from these specimens, <name>. You have been a great help to me.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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