Dar'Khan's Lieutenants - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Dar'Khan's Lieutenants


3.Dar'Khan's Lieutenants
Magister Idonis wants you to venture into Deatholme to slay Masophet the Black, Jurion the Deceiver, Borgoth the Bloodletter and Mirdoran the Fallen. Report back to him in the Sanctum of the Sun in the Ghostlands after you've completed this task.
Mirdoran the Fallen slain
Borgoth the Bloodletter slain
Jurion the Deceiver slain
Masophet the Black slain


The entirety of this quest happens in Ghostlands.
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The odious traitor, Dar'Khan, has risen to great power among the ranks of the Scourge. His lieutenants command vast armies of undead against our dwindling numbers.

Masophet the Black, Jurion the Deceiver, Borgoth the Bloodletter, Mirdoran the Fallen. Learn these names well for in the Ghostlands these Scourge leaders are second only to Dar'Khan himself. Slay them and their mindless armies will be thrown into disarray.


You can choose one of these awards:
Reforged Quel'dorei Crest
Ley-Keeper's Wand
Ghostclaw Leggings
Also, you get: 25


Have you succeeded in severing the Scourge's chain of command, <name>? Are Dar'Khan's lieutenants dead?


Dar'Khan's armies will soon fall. The Scourge shall not stand a chance against the combined might of the sin'dorei and the Forsaken.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 200 experience (12 at max. level)
  • 300000 Reputation with Tranquillien

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