Deliver 4 Gnomish Battle Chickens and the Craftsman's Writ - Gnomish Battle Chicken - to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.
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The entirety of this quest happens in Eastern Plaguelands.
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The bearer of this writ is entitled to payment in the form of an insignia of their choice upon completion of the contracted work order.
Work Order EN-0:
4 Gnomish Battle Chickens.
All filled orders should be delivered to Packmaster Stonebruiser at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.
Contract is null and void if tampered with or damaged.
-Dispatch Commander Metz, The Argent Dawn
You can choose one of these awards:
Filling a work order, <class>?
Why are you smiling? What's so funny? Listen, mister, a gnomish battle chicken is a very important unit and not to be taken lightly - EVER. We send these in to areas that might be heavily plagued or infested and they clean up any plagued insects or carrion maggots that might still be fluttering about. Everybody knows that robots are immune to the plague.
I bet you don't feel so smart now, do you? Big dummy...
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