Return the Head of Kel'gash the Wicked to Captain Helios at the Farstrider Enclave in the Ghostlands.
The entirety of this quest happens in Ghostlands.
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WANTED: Bring the head of Kel'gash the Wicked, chieftain of the Shadowpine trolls, to Captain Helios. No questions asked. Kel'gash is known to dwell somewhere to the south in Zeb'Nowa.
REWARD: Yes, but no advances!
You can choose one of these awards:
Also, you get:
What is that awful smell?
Ah. Kel'gash's head is what smelled so bad. That's a nice piece of work there, <class>!
With their chieftain dead, the Shadowpine trolls should be in total disarray. Combined with your recent efforts to decimate their numbers, this should be the perfect opportunity to launch our counter-offensive against them and wipe them out for good.
You have my thanks, Might I interest you in one of these?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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