Stealing Darnassus's Flame - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Stealing Darnassus's Flame


Return the Flame of Darnassus to the Festival Talespinner.
Flame of Darnassus
Provided Item:
Flame of Darnassus


This flame, stolen from the shores of Teldrassil, floods you with warmth. This raw power is foreign to you, but the Talespinner might know more...


You can choose one of these awards:
Elderberry Pie Fire-toasted Bun Midsummer Sausage Toasted Smorc Fiery Festival Brew Handful of Summer Petals
You will receive:
Burning Blossom
The following spell will be cast on you:
Has Completed all Torch Quests
Also, you get: 5 80


You're practically glowing, <race>. What do you have there?


This fire aches of ancient sorrow, <name>. You pulled this from the roots of Teldrassil, you say? Fascinating! Here is a reward for your skill. Return to me should you find anything else like this; I may have a use for it.

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