Foreman Razelcraz at the mines near Thrallmar wants you to kill 15 Marauding Crust Bursters. The worms have a tendency to attack suddenly from their tunnels below ground.
The entirety of this quest happens in Hellfire Peninsula.
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As if the gan'arg that overran the mines aren't bad enough, now we've got gigantic worms encroaching on us from the other direction!
With Thrallmar's garrison pinned down defending against the Legion and tending to their wounded, it leaves me and the miners to deal with the problems.
<The foreman gestures at the sleeping peons.>
And you can see how useful they are...
I'd gladly pay you their wages to clear out some of those worms.
You can choose one of these awards:
Also, you get:
Thank you for your help, <name>. Got anything up your sleeve to make the peons earn their keep?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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