Speak with Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem in Thunder Bluff.
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Excuse me <class>, but I'd like just a moment of your time if possible.
The Cenarion Circle in Thunder Bluff is most interested in seasoned adventurers such as yourself to lend them aid in a vital research project. While I do not know the specifics, I can inform you that none other than Hamuul Runetotem is spearheading this research.
Please - if you are interested, speak with him directly on the Elder Rise within Thunder Bluff proper.
Greetings, <class>; I am glad you are interested in assisting our research. There is much to do, and I would be doing you a disservice if I informed you that the work this entails is not dangerous. Hopefully this will not scare you off... but from the looks of you, I take it that danger is something that you have dealt with before.
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