Preying on the Predators - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Preying on the Predators


Ambassador Rualeth at Aerie Peak wants you to kill 10 Mangy Silvermane and 5 Silvermane Wolves.
Mangy Silvermane slain (10)
Silvermane Wolf slain (5)


The entirety of this quest happens in The Hinterlands.
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The Wildhammer dwarves act as companions, caretakers, and trainers to the gryphons. The gryphons have no shortage of enemies, especially among the forest troll tribes.

Sometimes, though, the threat comes from natural predators, such as wolves. A single animal is no match for a gryphon, but packs have taken to targeting gryphons more often because normal prey is scarce. Culling the wolves can help to reduce their impact on the gryphons and ingratiate us to the Wildhammer.


Also, you get: 65


Have you culled the silvermane population?


<Ambassador Rualeth nods as you give your report.>

You have done well. The culling of the silvermane will not go unnoticed by the Wildhammer. When I meet with their leaders, I am certain that your deeds will reflect well upon the Alliance. Please accept this coin as a small token of my thanks, <name>.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 525 experience (31 50 at max. level)

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