Destroy the Legion - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Destroy the Legion


Slay 6 Mannoroc Lashers, 6 Felguards and 6 Searing Infernals, and then return to Vindicator Vedaar at Forest Song in Ashenvale.
Mannoroc Lasher slain (6)
Roaming Felguard slain (6)
Searing Infernal slain (6)


Part of this quest happens in Azshara, DurotarAshenvale.
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I will not tolerate their existence on this world! The Burning Legion all but destroyed our race and we fell back to settle a new home on a new world. Then they came again. And we retreated, over and over.

No more!

There is a remnant of the Legion to the south in the regions known as Felfire Hill, Demon Fall Canyon and Demon Fall Ridge. They are what is leftover from a force that once long ago invaded this world.

Go and destroy as many as you can before it is too late!


Also, you get: 25


Are there demons yet standing?


You have my respect and thanks, <class>. Perhaps we'll be able to create a new home here without having to worry about the Burning Legion yet again.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 250 experience (15 at max. level)

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