Gurf at Stillpine Hold on Azuremyst Isle wants you to recover 5 sacks of Stillpine Grain.
The entirety of this quest happens in Azuremyst Isle.
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These are dark days, Promised One. Even the murlocs are kicking our tails - literally. Unfortunately, more than just my ego has been bruised.
While our relationship with the Siltfin murlocs had always been tenuous, never could we have imagined that they would have the gall to attack us and steal from our food stores! Travel west to the Silting Shore and recover our stolen food-stuffs!
And if you see a dark-skinned murloc with a patch of white fur stuck in between his webbed toes...
Also, you get:
3 50
A murloc kicked me in the behind and spit on me... in broad daylight!
Mmmmm... Delicious grain... Parkat will be delighted!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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