Cruelfin's Necklace - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Cruelfin's Necklace


Bring the Red Crystal Pendant to Morae at Blood Watch.
Red Crystal Pendant
Provided Item:
Red Crystal Pendant


The entirety of this quest happens in Bloodmyst Isle.
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Examining the crudely constructed pendant, you notice the crystal pulsating softly. Though it emits little light, you can almost feel the crystal radiating a sense of wrongness.

You're not quite sure what might have possessed Cruelfin to create this pendant, but the find is too important to ignore. You should probably show it to someone at Blood Watch.


Also, you get: 5


What is it you have there?


This is most curious, <class>. I don't believe we've ever seen the murlocs wearing any kind of adornment before.

Given the corrupting influence that the crystal shards are known to have, the murloc that wore this pendant must have believed it granted him power over his fellows. I wouldn't be surprised if he had rapidly outgrown his fellow murlocs and gained in strength.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 225 experience (5 40 at max. level)

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