Exarch Admetius at Blood Watch has told you to speak with Vindicator Boros.
The entirety of this quest happens in Bloodmyst Isle.
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What does Argus mean to you, <name>? Many draenei probably do not know or remember our home planet. It is there that we split from the man'ari: the twisted demonic reflections of ourselves that were 'gifted' by Sargeras. Or as they call themselves, eredar.
Eredar... this word once held meaning.
<Admetius smacks his lips as if to taste the word.>
Let us not waste anymore time. Find Vindicator Boros to begin your training.
Ah, <name>... I've heard about you. You're the one that made the Kessel Run in under 15 minutes, right? Bah, probably not.
Are you ready to spill some blood in the name of the Light? For Velen? For Argus?
<Boros laughs.>
I'll slow down.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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