Lost in Action - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Lost in Action


  • Level: 65
  • Requires level: 62
  • Type: Dungeon
  • Side: Both
  • Sharable
  • Difficulty: 62  63  67  72
5.Lost in Action
Discover what happened to Earthbinder Rayge, Naturalist Bite, Weeder Greenthumb, and Windcaller Claw. Then, return to Watcher Jhang at Coilfang Reservoir in Zangarmarsh.
Earthbinder Rayge Discovered
Naturalist Bite Discovered
Weeder Greenthumb Discovered
Windcaller Claw Discovered


You have to help me! We were sent here by Ysiel to investigate the mystery of the steam pumps and why they're being used to drain the water from the marsh. But my friends split up and went on recklessly without me.

Those four can be such jerks sometimes, but I love them anyway.

That is why I need you to discover what became of them, though I fear the worst. Seek them in both the Slave Pens and the Underbog.

Thank you, <class>.


You can choose one of these awards:
Cenarion Ring of Casting
Goldenvine Wraps
Dark Cloak of the Marsh


Have you discovered the whereabouts of my four companions yet?


I'm glad that some of my friends yet live, but it breaks my heart to hear of the fate of others. <sigh>

At least they died doing what they loved most in life. You have my eternal gratitude for helping me with this, <name>.

Please, take one of these as a sign of gratitude.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2200 experience (1 32 at max. level)

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