Bring 8 Diaphanous Wings from any species of Zangarmarsh fireflies to Magasha in Swamprat Post.
The entirety of this quest happens in Zangarmarsh.
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<Magasha chuckles softly to herself.>
I bet if they knew they were wearing bug parts, the fashion trend would end very quickly.
We first started killing the bugs 'round here 'cause they were getting in the way of our construction. Some enterprising merchant stops here, spends the night, and next thing you know he's buyin' up all the bug wings we have!
Says he makes clothes out of 'em. I be stickin' to my armor, thanks. But if you gather the wings of any of the fireflies, I'll gladly buy 'em.
Also, you get:
2 70
What's that, there? Been bitten by the wing bug, have ya?
<Magasha chuckles at her own joke.>
These be fine ones, <name>. Here's your payment.
<Magasha bends one of the wings and holds it up to her head.>
Nope, not my thing, but who'm I to complain?
<Magasha shrugs.>
Coin speaks.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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