Leader of the Bloodscale - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Leader of the Bloodscale


Slay Rajis Fyashe at Serpent Lake and return to Warden Hamoot at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh for a reward.
Rajis Fyashe slain
Suggested Players [2]


The entirety of this quest happens in Zangarmarsh.
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A bounty is hereby declared by the Cenarion Expedition on Rajis Fyashe, leader of the Bloodscale naga. The naga sorceress was last sighted at Serpent Lake, in the northern region of Zangarmarsh.

The Bloodscale are to be considered extremely dangerous and their leader is to be approached with extreme caution.

Those seeking to claim the bounty are advised to report to Warden Hamoot at Cenarion Refuge.


You can choose one of these awards:
Wild Shoulderpads
Gloves of Marshmanship
Belt of the Moonkin
Expedition Footgear
Also, you get: 5 80


You're here to claim the bounty for Fyashe? That's the best news I've heard all day.


I'll bet the Bloodscale will think twice about attacking expedition scouts again. Take this as a reward, <name>. You've earned it.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1300 experience (78 at max. level)

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