Hunt down 12 Ravenous Windrocs and then return to Fitz at the Nesingwary Safari in Nagrand.
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You must always push yourself if you are to one day stalk the mightiest of prey! While you are not yet ready, I will point you in the right direction.
There is another breed of windroc even deadlier. Seek out the ravenous windroc to test your mettle against. You will find them in the heart of Nagrand to the west and southwest.
Also, you get:
3 70
Have you learned yet to calm the beating of your heart? To be as still as a calm lake and patient, waiting for the right moment to strike down your quarry?
You have proven your skill once more, <class>. Now you must go on to stalk the fiercest of the windrocs.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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