Additional requirements to obtain this quest:
Obtain 10 Oshu'gun Crystal Fragments and bring them to Gezhe at Aeris Landing in Nagrand.
The entirety of this quest happens in Nagrand.
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Nexus Prince Haramad has ordered us to not begin work inside of Oshu'gun as it might anger a certain powerful naaru. Sort of puts a damper on our operation.
I think I might've found a loophole, however.
You see, we're not the only ethereals drawn to this colossal diamond. A thief called Gava'xi has led a band of rogue ethereals into Oshu'gun and they've begun to dislodge large fragments from it.
Your job, <race>, is to go there and retrieve what is rightfully ours.
Also, you get:
3 50
Have you retrieved the crystal fragments I asked of you, <name>?
Color me impressed. These are in excellent condition, for the most part.
I will make sure to put in a good word for you with our people.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
Additional Information