Kill Terrorclaw and return to Zurjaya at Zabra'jin.
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The entirety of this quest happens in Zangarmarsh.
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I've caught every kind of fish that lives in the marsh, but there's one that eludes me. Sure, I've caught eels and mudfin frenzies. But the last time I was out on one of the islands in Marshlight Lake, I hooked a gigantic bogstrok that snapped my line and got away.
Terrorclaw, he's called, and I won't rest until he's dead. He's too big for any fisherman to catch, so I suppose we'll just have to kill him the old-fashioned way.
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3 10
I take it Terrorclaw lives no more?
At last! They say every great fisherman has a story of "the one that got away," but I haven't yet met a creature I couldn't beat one way or another.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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