Wanted: Zorbo the Advisor - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Wanted: Zorbo the Advisor


1.Wanted: Zorbo the Advisor
Slay Zorbo the Advisor, 5 Warmaul Shaman and 5 Warmaul Reavers. Return to Warden Moi'bff Jill if you manage to complete this task.
Zorbo the Advisor slain
Warmaul Shaman slain (10)
Warmaul Reaver slain (10)


Part of this quest happens in NagrandZangarmarsh.
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Wanted: Dead or Alive

Zorbo the Advisor, wanted for numerous planned attacks on Telaar. Along with his reavers and shaman, Zorbo has slain countless Broken. Consider Zorbo as armed, dangerous, and merciless.

Zorbo makes his home in the Laughing Skull Ruins in the northern mountains of Nagrand.

Reward for Zorbo the Advisor's death or capture to be dispensed by Warden Moi'bff Jill at Telaar.


Also, you get: 7


Are you here to collect a reward?


This is a great victory for the people of Telaar! Well done, <name>!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1150 experience (69 at max. level)

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