The Big One - Spells - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Big One


The Big One
15 yd range
3 sec cast
Inflicts 340 - 460 Fire damage and incapacitates targets for 5 sec in a 10 yard radius. Any damage will break the effect. Unreliable against targets higher than level 60.


The Big One
Incapacitated. Any damage will break the effect.
5 sec remaining


Duration 5 sec
School Fire
Dispel type
Global Cooldown
Cost None
Range 15 yards (Fifteen yards)
Cast time 3 seconds
Level: 47
Effect #1 School Damage (Fire)
Value: 340
Radius: 10 yards
Effect #2 Apply Aura: Stun
Value: 5
Radius: 10 yards

Additional Information