| |||||
Cost | 160 mana | |||||||||||
Range | 30 yards (Medium Range) | |||||||||||
Cast time | 3 seconds | |||||||||||
Cooldown | ||||||||||||
Level: | 20 | |||||||||||
Effect #1 |
School Damage (Shadow)
Value: 128 Radius: 30 yards |
Arazzius the Cruel | 63 Elite | A H | Demon |
Arzeth the Merciless <Servant of the Betrayer> | 63 Elite | A H | Demon |
Doom'rel | 56 Elite | A H | Undead |
Eviscerator | 52 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Hydromancer Velratha | 46 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Shadowed Spirit | 60 Elite | A H | Undead |
Shadowlord Deathwail | 70 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Witch Doctor Zum'rah | 46 Elite | A H | Humanoid |