| |||||
| ||||
Cost | 95 mana | |||||||||||
Range | 30 yards (Medium Range) | |||||||||||
Cast time | Instant | |||||||||||
Cooldown | ||||||||||||
Level: | 20 | |||||||||||
Effect #1 |
Apply Aura: Periodic Damage
Value: 48 Interval: 3 seconds |
Atal'ai High Priest | 48 - 49 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Coldmine Surveyor | 60 | A H | Humanoid |
Coldmine Surveyor | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
Coldmine Surveyor | 75 - 79 | A H | Humanoid |
Coldmine Surveyor | 80 | A H | Humanoid |
Condemned Acolyte | 57 - 58 Elite | A H | Undead |
Dark Rune Stormcaller | 77 | A H | Humanoid |
Durnholde Warden | 67 - 68 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Irondeep Surveyor | 60 | A H | Humanoid |
Irondeep Surveyor | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
Irondeep Surveyor | 75 - 79 | A H | Humanoid |
Irondeep Surveyor | 80 | A H | Humanoid |
Mith'rethis the Enchanter | 52 Rare Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Ogom the Wretched | 49 Elite | A H | Undead |
Priestess Delrissa | 70 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Priestess Delrissa | 70 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Risen Protector | 58 - 60 Elite | A H | Undead |
Seasoned Coldmine Surveyor | 60 | A H | Humanoid |
Seasoned Irondeep Surveyor | 60 | A H | Humanoid |
Seasoned Irondeep Surveyor | 70 | A H | Humanoid |
Seasoned Irondeep Surveyor | 75 - 79 | A H | Humanoid |
Seasoned Irondeep Surveyor | 80 | A H | Humanoid |
Strashaz Siren | 59 - 60 Elite | A H | Humanoid |
Talonpriest Ishaal | 71 | A H | Undead |
Twilight Keeper Mayna <Twilight's Hammer> | 60 | A H | Humanoid |
Veteran Coldmine Surveyor | 60 | A H | Humanoid |
Wildspawn Felsworn | 55 - 56 Elite | A H | Demon |