| |||||
Cost | 135 mana | |||||||||||
Range | 20 yards (Twenty yards) | |||||||||||
Cast time | Instant | |||||||||||
Cooldown | ||||||||||||
Level: | 20 | |||||||||||
Effect #1 |
School Damage (Shadow)
Value: 47 |
Bonechewer Backbreaker | 63 - 64 | A H | Humanoid |
Cult Taskmaster <Cult of the Damned> | 79 - 80 | A H | Humanoid |
Death Cultist <Cult of the Damned> | 53 - 54 | A H | Humanoid |
Firewing Bloodwarder | 63 - 64 | A H | Humanoid |
Forgotten Depths Acolyte | 77 - 78 | A H | Undead |
Forlorn Soul | 70 - 71 | A H | Undead |
Risen Guardian | 59 - 61 | A H | Undead |
Scourge Banner-Bearer | 80 | A H | Undead |
Servitor Shade | 69 - 70 | A H | Undead |
Shadow Lord Fel'dan | 57 | A H | Humanoid |
Spirit of Jarien | 60 | A H | Undead |
Summoned Succubus | 20 | A H | Demon |
Wastes Taskmaster | 72 - 73 | A H | Humanoid |