Howl of Terror - Spells - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Howl of Terror


  • Class: Warlock
Howl of Terror
Rank 2
8% of base mana
1.5 sec cast
Howl, causing i enemies within 10 yds to flee in terror for 8 sec. Damage caused may interrupt the effect.


Howl of TerrorMagic
Fleeing in terror.
8 sec remaining


Duration 8 sec
School Shadow
Mechanic fleeing
Dispel type Magic
Global Cooldown
Cost 8% of base mana
Range 0 yards (Self Only)
Cast time 1.5 seconds
Level: 54
Effect #1 Apply Aura: Mod Fear
Value: 0
Radius: 10 yards
Effect #2 Apply Aura: Mod Speed
Value: 25
Radius: 10 yards

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