Increase Healing 68 - Spells - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Increase Healing 68


Increase Healing 68
Increases spell power by 36.


Duration n/a
School Physical
Dispel type
Global Cooldown
Cost None
Range 0 yards (Self Only)
Cast time Instant
Effect #1 Apply Aura: Mod Healing Done (126)
Value: 36
Effect #2 Apply Aura: Mod Damage Done (126)
Value: 36

Additional Information

15970339ShoulderCloth Armor
159701983ChestPlate Armor
12070308HeadLeather Armor
12070528HandsMail Armor
12070846ChestMail Armor
12070634ShoulderMail Armor
8860513HeadMail Armor
12870177WristLeather Armor
10570271HeadLeather Armor
12570FingerMisc. (Armor)
120701133ShoulderPlate Armor
7660856LegsPlate Armor
11570170LegsCloth Armor
12070284ShoulderLeather Armor
15170126BackCloth Armor
13670283WaistLeather Armor
13670128WaistCloth Armor
13670157FeetCloth Armor
115701019LegsPlate Armor
11570237HeadLeather Armor
16372170FeetCloth Armor
11570136LegsCloth Armor
11570652ChestMail Armor
11570136LegsCloth Armor
103476HeadMail Armor
11570136LegsCloth Armor
635889Cloth Armor
10667144Cloth Armor
103140ChestCloth Armor
1381025HeadPlate Armor
138258HeadLeather Armor
138148LegsCloth Armor
146833HandsPlate Armor
138574HeadMail Armor
146419WaistMail Armor