Increase Healing 73 - Spells - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Increase Healing 73


Increase Healing 73
Increases spell power by 39.


Duration n/a
School Physical
Dispel type
Global Cooldown
Cost None
Range 0 yards (Self Only)
Cast time Instant
Effect #1 Apply Aura: Mod Healing Done (126)
Value: 39
Effect #2 Apply Aura: Mod Damage Done (126)
Value: 39

Additional Information

15470FingerMisc. (Armor)
12870252HandsLeather Armor
14170133WaistCloth Armor
12870121WaistCloth Armor
15170FingerMisc. (Armor)
14170162FeetCloth Armor
12870148FeetCloth Armor
15970476Cloth Armor
12870675ShoulderMail Armor
12870121WaistCloth Armor
15470113WristCloth Armor
12870506WaistMail Armor
12870227WaistLeather Armor
12870303ShoulderLeather Armor
12070164HeadCloth Armor
15470841WristPlate Armor
13670310HandsLeather Armor
13670410LegsCloth Armor
12870278FeetLeather Armor
11570TrinketMisc. (Armor)
15470FingerMisc. (Armor)
15470129BackCloth Armor
15470471WristMail Armor
15470211WristLeather Armor
6257109Cloth Armor
14170993WaistPlate Armor
12870562HandsMail Armor
16773298HandsLeather Armor
167731068WaistPlate Armor
11570256LegsLeather Armor
16773159HandsCloth Armor
11570136LegsCloth Armor
11570530HeadMail Armor
11570946HeadPlate Armor
11570156Cloth Armor
11570292Leather Armor
11570127HeadCloth Armor
16372349ShoulderLeather Armor
146746ChestMail Armor
146188WaistLeather Armor
1461166LegsPlate Armor
146178Cloth Armor
146178Cloth Armor
1461083HeadPlate Armor