Corrosive Venom Spit - Spells - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Corrosive Venom Spit


Corrosive Venom Spit
30 yd range
2.5 sec cast
Spits poison at an enemy, inflicting harm, reducing the target's armor, and causing additional Nature damage every 5 sec. for 10 sec.


Corrosive Venom SpitPoison
Reduced armor. Nature damage inflicted every 5 sec.
10 sec remaining


Duration 10 sec
School Nature
Dispel type Poison
Global Cooldown
Cost None
Range 30 yards (Medium Range)
Cast time 2.5 seconds
Level: 20
Effect #1 School Damage (Nature)
Value: 68
Effect #2 Apply Aura: Periodic Damage
Value: 20
Interval: 5 seconds
Effect #3 Apply Aura: Mod Resistance % (1)
Value: -75

Additional Information