Putrid Cloud - Spells - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Putrid Cloud


Putrid Cloud
40 yd range
Creates a violent storm in the target area causing 22 Nature damage to enemies every 3 sec, and increasing the time between the attacks of enemies by 20%. Lasts 15 sec. Druid must channel to maintain the spell.


Putrid Cloud
22 damage every 3 seconds, and time between attacks increased by 20%.
15 sec remaining


Duration 15 sec
School Nature
Dispel type
Global Cooldown
Cost None
Range 40 yards (Long Range)
Cast time Channeled
Level: 20
Effect #1 Persistent Area Aura: Periodic Damage
Value: 22
Radius: 15 yards
Interval: 3 seconds
Effect #2 Persistent Area Aura: Unknown_Aura(193)
Value: -20
Radius: 15 yards

Additional Information