Increase Healing 128 - Spells - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Increase Healing 128


Increase Healing 128
Increases spell power by 68.


Duration n/a
School Physical
Dispel type
Global Cooldown
Cost None
Range 0 yards (Self Only)
Cast time Instant
Effect #1 Apply Aura: Mod Healing Done (126)
Value: 68
Effect #2 Apply Aura: Mod Damage Done (126)
Value: 68

Additional Information

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20080169WaistCloth Armor
20080188HandsCloth Armor
20080188HandsCloth Armor
20080353HandsLeather Armor
20080353HandsLeather Armor
20080353HandsLeather Armor
20080353HandsLeather Armor
20080423ShoulderLeather Armor
20080423ShoulderLeather Armor
20080423ShoulderLeather Armor
20080423ShoulderLeather Armor
20080784HandsMail Armor
20080941ShoulderMail Armor
20080941ShoulderMail Armor
20080188HandsCloth Armor
200801401HandsPlate Armor
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20080225ShoulderCloth Armor
159701611HeadPlate Armor
200801261WaistPlate Armor
200801401HandsPlate Armor
15970216HeadCloth Armor
200801401HandsPlate Armor
200801681ShoulderPlate Armor
200801261WaistPlate Armor
20080225ShoulderCloth Armor
20080317WaistLeather Armor
20080341HandsLeather Armor
20080307WaistLeather Armor
200801218WaistPlate Armor
20080341HandsLeather Armor
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20080307WaistLeather Armor
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