First Aid - Spells - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
First Aid


First Aid
Grand Master
Allows a physician to make and use bandages up to a potential skill of 450. Cloth used to make bandages is found on humanoids.


Duration n/a
School Physical
Dispel type
Global Cooldown
Cost None
Range 0 yards (Self Only)
Cast time Instant
Effect #1 Spell Cast UI
Effect #2 (First Aid)
Value: 6

Additional Information

Anchorite Yazmina
<Grand Master First Aid Trainer>
68A HHumanoid
Brynna Wilson
<Grand Master First Aid Trainer>
71A HHumanoid
Joseph Wilson
<Grand Master First Aid Trainer>
75A HHumanoid
Nurse Applewood
<Grand Master First Aid Trainer>
72A HHumanoid
Olisarra the Kind
<Grand Master First Aid Trainer>
75A HHumanoid
Sally Tompkins
<Grand Master First Aid Trainer>
71A HHumanoid