Herb Gathering - Spells - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Herb Gathering


Herb Gathering
Grand Master
5 yd range
3 sec cast
How to find and gather Northrend herbs. Gives a potential herbalism skill of 450.


Duration n/a
School Physical
Dispel type
Global Cooldown
Cost None
Range 5 yards (Interact Range)
Cast time 3 seconds
Effect #1 Open Lock (2)
Value: 0
Effect #2 (Herbalism)
Value: 6

Additional Information

Dorothy Egan
<Grand Master Herbalism Trainer>
75A HHumanoid
Fayin Whisperleaf
<Grand Master Herbalism Trainer>
71A HHumanoid
Kirea Moondancer
<Grand Master Herbalism Trainer>
71A HHumanoid
Marjory Kains
<Grand Master Herbalism Trainer>
71A HHumanoid
Tansy Wildmane
<Grand Master Herbalism Trainer>
69A HHumanoid