Crashing Wave - Spells - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Crashing Wave


Crashing Wave
70 mana
20 yd range
Instant10 sec cooldown
You cause a Crashing Wave that does 4163 - 4837 Nature damage when in contact with hostile targets in front of you within 40 yards, knocking them back 30 yards. Double damage to Frozen targets.


Duration n/a
School Nature
Dispel type
Global Cooldown
Cost 70 mana
Range 20 yards (Twenty yards)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown 10 seconds
Level: 80
Effect #1 Dummy
Radius: 12 yards
Effect #2 School Damage (Nature)
Value: 4163
Radius: 40 yards
Effect #3 Knock Back (165)
Value: 165
Radius: 12 yards

Additional Information