Icy Touch - Spells - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Icy Touch


Icy Touch
20 yd range
Instant8 sec cooldown
Chills the target for 3355 - 3645 to 3355 - 3645 Frost damage and infects them with Frost Fever, a disease that deals periodic damage and reduces melee and ranged attack speed by 14% for 15 sec.


Icy TouchMagic
Melee and ranged attack speed reduced by 14%.


Duration n/a
School Frost
Dispel type Magic
Global Cooldown
Cost None
Range 20 yards (Twenty yards)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown 8 seconds
Level: 83
Effect #1 School Damage (Frost)
Value: 3355
Effect #2 Trigger Spell
Value: 0
Frost Fever

Additional Information