Final Meditation - Spells - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Final Meditation


Final Meditation
15 yd range
Meditate, slowing the movement and attack speed of enemies within 15 yds. Lasts 8 sec.


Final Meditation
Movement speed reduced by 70%. Attack and Casting speeds reduced by 70%.
8 sec remaining


Duration 8 sec
School Holy
Mechanic snared
Dispel type
Global Cooldown
Cost None
Range 15 yards (Fifteen yards)
Cast time Channeled
Level: 34
Effect #1 Persistent Area Aura: Mod Speed Slow
Value: -70
Radius: 15 yards
Effect #2 Persistent Area Aura: Unknown_Aura(193)
Value: -70
Radius: 15 yards

Additional Information