Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj


  • Points: 10
  • Side: Both
Defeat C'Thun.


Striker's Hauberk
Conqueror's Breastplate
Stormcaller's Hauberk
Doomcaller's Robes
Vestments of the Oracle
Belt of Never-ending Agony
Dark Edge of Insanity
Death's Sting
Grasp of the Old God
Scepter of the False Prophet
Cloak of the Devoured
Mark of C'Thun
Avenger's Breastplate
Doomcaller's Robes
Genesis Vest
Striker's Hauberk
Husk of the Old God
Deathdealer's Vest
Genesis Vest
Avenger's Breastplate
Enigma Robes
C'Thun's Legacy
Cloak of Clarity
Dark Storm Gauntlets
Gauntlets of Annihilation
Ring of the Godslayer
Vanquished Tentacle of C'Thun
Eyestalk Waist Cord
Conqueror's Breastplate
Deathdealer's Vest
Enigma Robes
Stormcaller's Hauberk
Vestments of the Oracle
Husk of the Old God

Additional Information

Classic Raider
Complete the classic raid achievements listed below.