'Tis the Season During the Feast of Winter Veil, wear 3 pieces of winter clothing and eat Graccu's Mince Meat Fruitcake. | Both | 10 | ||
10 Coins of Ancestry Receive 10 Coins of Ancestry. | Both | 10 | ||
10 Dalaran Cooking Awards Obtain 10 Dalaran Cooking Awards. | Both | 10 | ||
10 Exalted Reputations Raise 10 reputations to Exalted. | Both | 10 | ||
100 Dalaran Cooking Awards Obtain 100 Dalaran Cooking Awards. | Both | 10 | ||
100 Dungeon & Raid Emblems Loot 100 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost. | Both | 10 | ||
100 Fish Fish up 100 items. | Both | 10 | ||
100 Honorable Kills Get 100 honorable kills. | Both | 10 | ||
100 Quests Completed Complete 100 quests. | Both | 10 | ||
100 Stone Keeper's Shards Loot 100 Stone Keeper's Shards. | Both | 10 | ||
1000 Daily Quests Complete Complete 1000 daily quests. | Both | 10 | ||
1000 Dungeon & Raid Emblems Loot 1000 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost. | Both | 10 | ||
1000 Fish Fish up 1000 items. | Both | 10 | ||
1000 Honorable Kills Get 1000 honorable kills. | Both | 10 | ||
1000 Quests Completed Complete 1000 quests. | Both | 10 | ||
1000 Stone Keeper's Shards Loot 1000 Stone Keeper's Shards. | Both | 10 | ||
10000 Honorable Kills Get 10000 honorable kills. | Both | 10 | ||
100000 Honorable Kills Get 100000 honorable kills. | Both | 10 | ||
15 Exalted Reputations Raise 15 reputations to Exalted. | Both | 10 | ||
1500 Dungeon & Raid Emblems Loot 1500 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost. | Both | 10 | ||
1500 Quests Completed Complete 1500 quests. | Both | 10 | ||
20 Exalted Reputations Raise 20 reputations to Exalted. | Both | 10 | ||
200 Daily Quests Complete Complete 200 daily quests. | Both | 10 | ||
2000 Quests Completed Complete 2000 quests. | Both | 10 | ||
25 Coins of Ancestry Receive 25 Coins of Ancestry. | Both | 10 | ||
25 Dalaran Cooking Awards Obtain 25 Dalaran Cooking Awards. | Both | 10 | ||
25 Dungeon & Raid Emblems Loot 25 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost. | Both | 10 | ||
25 Exalted Reputations Raise 25 reputations to Exalted. | Both | 10 | ||
25 Fish Fish up 25 items. | Both | 10 | ||
250 Dungeon & Raid Emblems Loot 250 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost. | Both | 10 | ||
250 Fish Fish up 250 items. | Both | 10 | ||
250 Quests Completed Complete 250 quests. | Both | 10 | ||
250 Stone Keeper's Shards Loot 250 Stone Keeper's Shards. | Both | 10 | ||
2500 Dungeon & Raid Emblems Loot 2500 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost. | Both | 10 | ||
25000 Honorable Kills Get 25000 honorable kills. | Both | 10 | ||
30 Exalted Reputations Raise 30 reputations to Exalted. | Both | 10 | ||
3000 Quests Completed Complete 3000 quests. | Both | 50 | ||
35 Exalted Reputations Raise 35 reputations to Exalted. | Both | 10 | ||
40 Exalted Reputations Raise 40 reputations to Exalted. | Both | 10 | ||
5 Coins of Ancestry Receive 5 Coins of Ancestry. | Both | 10 | ||
5 Daily Quests Complete Complete 5 daily quests. | Both | 10 | ||
5 Exalted Reputations Raise 5 reputations to Exalted. | Both | 10 | ||
50 Coins of Ancestry Receive 50 Coins of Ancestry. | Both | 10 | ||
50 Daily Quests Complete Complete 50 daily quests. | Both | 10 | ||
50 Dalaran Cooking Awards Obtain 50 Dalaran Cooking Awards. | Both | 10 | ||
50 Dungeon & Raid Emblems Loot 50 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost. | Both | 10 | ||
50 Fish Fish up 50 items. | Both | 10 | ||
50 Quests Completed Complete 50 quests. | Both | 10 | ||
50 Stone Keeper's Shards Loot 50 Stone Keeper's Shards. | Both | 10 | ||
500 Daily Quests Complete Complete 500 daily quests. | Both | 10 | ||
500 Dungeon & Raid Emblems Loot 500 Emblems of Heroism, Valor, Conquest, Triumph or Frost. | Both | 10 | ||
500 Fish Fish up 500 items. | Both | 10 | ||
500 Honorable Kills Get 500 honorable kills. | Both | 10 | ||
500 Quests Completed Complete 500 quests. | Both | 10 | ||
500 Stone Keeper's Shards Loot 500 Stone Keeper's Shards. | Both | 10 | ||
5000 Honorable Kills Get 5000 honorable kills. | Both | 10 | ||
50000 Honorable Kills Get 50000 honorable kills. | Both | 10 | ||
A Brew-FAST Mount Obtain an epic Brewfest mount. | Both | |||
A Coin of Ancestry Receive a Coin of Ancestry. | Both | 10 | ||
A Frosty Shake During the Feast of Winter Veil, use your Winter Veil Disguise kit to become a snowman and then dance with another snowman in Dalaran. | Both | 10 | ||
A Mask for All Occasions Collect the 20 unique Flimsy Masks listed below. | Both | 20 | ||
A Penny For Your Thoughts Fish up the copper coins listed below from the Dalaran fountain. | Dragonblight | Both | 10 | |
A Poke In The Eye (10 player) Defeat Malygos with fewer than 9 in 10-player mode. | The Eye of Eternity | Both | 10 | |
A Poke In The Eye (25 player) Defeat Malygos with fewer than 21 in 25-player mode. | The Eye of Eternity | Both | 10 | |
A Quest a Day Keeps the Ogres at Bay Earn exalted status within Ogri'la. | Both | 10 | ||
A Quick Shave (10 player) Defeat Razorscale without allowing her to fly into the air more than once in 10-player mode. | Ulduar | Both | 10 | |
A Quick Shave (25 player) Defeat Razorscale without allowing her to fly into the air more than once in 25-player mode. | Ulduar | Both | 10 | |
A Silver Confidant Earn both exalted status with The Silver Covenant and the right to represent a city in the Argent Tournament. | 10 | |||
A Simple Re-Quest Complete a daily quest every day for five consecutive days. | Both | 10 | ||
A Tribute to Dedicated Insanity Meet the criteria for A Tribute to Insanity without any raid member having used an item only obtainable from 25-player Coliseum, or any more powerful item. | Both | 10 | ||
A Tribute to Immortality In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining and without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters in 25-player mode. | ||||
A Tribute to Immortality In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining and without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters in 25-player mode. | ||||
A Tribute to Insanity (10 player) In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining in 10-player mode. | Both | 10 | ||
A Tribute to Insanity (25 player) In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with 50 attempts remaining in 25-player mode. | Both | 10 | ||
A Tribute to Mad Skill (10 player) In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with at least 45 attempts remaining in 10-player mode. | Both | 10 | ||
A Tribute to Mad Skill (25 player) In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with at least 45 attempts remaining in 25-player mode. | Both | 10 | ||
A Tribute to Skill (10 player) In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with at least 25 attempts remaining in 10-player mode. | Both | 10 | ||
A Tribute to Skill (25 player) In the Trial of the Grand Crusader, reach a Tribute Chest with at least 25 attempts remaining in 25-player mode. | Both | 10 | ||
A Void Dance Defeat Zuramat the Obliterator in The Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty without killing any void sentries. | The Violet Hold | Both | 10 | |
A-bomb-inable In a single Isle of Conquest battle, use 5 Seaforium Bombs on the enemy gates. | Isle of Conquest | Both | 10 | |
A-bomb-ination In a single Isle of Conquest battle, use 5 Huge Seaforium Bombs on the enemy gates | Isle of Conquest | Both | 10 | |
Abuse the Ooze Defeat Sjonnir the Ironshaper in the Halls of Stone on Heroic Difficulty and kill 5 Iron Sludges during the encounter. | Halls of Stone | Both | 10 | |
Accomplished Angler Complete the fishing achievements listed below. | Both | 10 | ||
Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom Defeat the bosses in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom. | Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom | Both | 10 | |
All Over the Isle In a single Isle of Conquest battle, kill a player at each of the following locations: | Isle of Conquest | Both | 10 | |
All You Can Eat (10 player) Defeat Sindragosa in 10-player mode without any member of your raid receiving more than 5 stacks of Mystic Buffet. | Icecrown Citadel | Both | 10 | |
All You Can Eat (25 player) Defeat Sindragosa in 25-player mode without any member of your raid receiving more than 5 stacks of Mystic Buffet. | Icecrown Citadel | Both | 10 | |
Alone in the Darkness (10 player) Defeat Yogg-Saron without the assistance of any Keepers in 10-player mode. | Ulduar | Both | 10 | |
Alone in the Darkness (25 player) Defeat Yogg-Saron without the assistance of any Keepers in 25-player mode. | Ulduar | Both | 10 | |
Alterac Grave Robber Take 50 graveyards in Alterac Valley. | Alterac Valley | Both | 10 | |
Alterac Valley All-Star In a single Alterac Valley battle, assault a graveyard, defend a graveyard, assault a tower, defend a tower and slay someone in the Field of Strife. | Alterac Valley | Both | 20 | |
Alterac Valley Veteran Complete 100 victories in Alterac Valley. | Alterac Valley | Both | 10 | |
Alterac Valley Victory Win Alterac Valley. | Alterac Valley | Both | 10 | |
Amani War Bear Owner of Amani War Bear. | Both | |||
Ambassador of the Alliance Earn exalted reputation with 5 home cities. | 10 | |||
Ambassador of the Horde Earn exalted reputation with 5 home cities. | 10 | |||
Amber Void Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using an Amber Drake. | The Oculus | Both | 10 | |
An Honorable Kill Achieve an honorable kill. | Both | 10 | ||
Ancient Courtyard Protector Kill 100 players in the Courtyard of the Ancients. | Strand of the Ancients | Both | 10 | |
Ancient Protector Kill 10 players in the Courtyard of the Ancients in a single battle. | Strand of the Ancients | Both | 10 |