Green Winter Hat - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Green Winter Hat


  • Sell for: 1
Green Winter Hat
Binds when picked up
2 Armor
Durability 20 / 20

Winter Garb (0/5)
(3) Set: Full Winter Garb
Sell Price: 1

Additional Information

Mage-Lord Urom81
A HHumanoid7
Goraluk Anvilcrack
<Blackhand Legion Armorsmith>
Rare Elite
A HHumanoid4
Darkmaster Gandling61
A HHumanoid2
Prince Tortheldrin61
A HHumanoid1.9
Grandmaster Vorpil72
A HHumanoid1.2
Grand Warlock Nethekurse71 - 72
A HHumanoid1.1
Exarch Maladaar67
A HHumanoid1
A HHumanoid0.5
Fury Shelda8
A HHumanoid0.1
Seasoned Defender60A HHumanoid0.1
Seasoned Defender70A HHumanoid0.1
Seasoned Defender75 - 79A HHumanoid0.1
Seasoned Defender80A HHumanoid0.1
Veteran Defender60A HHumanoid0
Veteran Defender70A HHumanoid0
Veteran Defender75 - 79A HHumanoid0
Veteran Defender80A HHumanoid0
Southsea Kidnapper45A HHumanoid0
Gravelsnout Surveyor29 - 30A HHumanoid0
Fenissa the Assassin18
A HHumanoid0
Winterskorn Skald68 - 69A HHumanoid0
Mosh'Ogg Lord45A HHumanoid0
Crazed Northsea Slaver69 - 70A HHumanoid0
Wandering Skeleton55A HUndead0
Razormane Mystic13 - 14A HHumanoid0
Unstable Mur'ghoul69 - 70A HUndead0
Dragonmaw Shadowwarder23 - 24A HHumanoid0
Rotting Highborne58 - 59A HUndead0
Dark Iron Kidnapper45A HHumanoid0
Skeletal Healer26 - 27A HUndead0
Winterskorn Spearman68 - 69A HHumanoid0
Felguard Sentry54 - 55A HDemon0
Felmusk Felsworn25 - 26A HDemon0
Grimtotem Ruffian14 - 15A HHumanoid0
Witherbark Caller45 - 46A HHumanoid0
Forsaken Bodyguard35A HHumanoid0
Scarlet Preserver29 - 30A HHumanoid0
Twilight Master
<Twilight's Hammer>
60A HHumanoid0
Bloodspore Harvester68 - 69A HHumanoid0
Overlord Ror51A HHumanoid0
Scarlet Infantryman53 - 54A HHumanoid0
Dustbelcher Shaman42 - 43A HHumanoid0
Mo'grosh Brute19 - 20A HHumanoid0
Scarlet Captain54 - 55A HHumanoid0
Mur'ghoul Flesheater70 - 71A HUndead0
Maraudine Wrangler37 - 38A HHumanoid0
Mosh'Ogg Mauler43 - 44A HHumanoid0
Venture Co. Laborer6 - 7A HHumanoid0
Defias Rummager36 - 37A HHumanoid0
Scarlet Augur30 - 31A HHumanoid0
Mosh'Ogg Spellcrafter43 - 44A HHumanoid0
Dragonflayer Metalworker70
A HHumanoid0
Dragonflayer Metalworker80 - 81
A HHumanoid0
Palemane Skinner6 - 7A HHumanoid0
Gelkis Windchaser33 - 34A HHumanoid0
Skeletal Miner17 - 18A HUndead0
Kolkar Destroyer32 - 33A HHumanoid0
Grimtotem Sorcerer15 - 16A HHumanoid0
Zapped Shore Strider48 - 49A HGiant0
Dustbelcher Ogre Mage43 - 44A HHumanoid0
Xavian Felsworn28 - 29A HDemon0
Northspring Harpy48 - 49A HHumanoid0
Vengeful Apparition12A HUndead0
Shadowhide Warrior24 - 25A HHumanoid0
Mudsnout Gnoll26 - 27A HHumanoid0
Rot Hide Plague Weaver17 - 18A HUndead0
Boulderfist Ogre32 - 33A HHumanoid0
Unliving Mossflayer54 - 55A HUndead0
Dustbelcher Mauler41 - 42A HHumanoid0
Magram Windchaser33 - 34A HHumanoid0
Jadefire Satyr49 - 50A HDemon0
Grimtotem Breaker36 - 37A HHumanoid0
Dragonflayer Weaponsmith70
A HHumanoid0
Dragonflayer Weaponsmith80 - 81
A HHumanoid0
Grim Patron51 - 52A HHumanoid0
Windfury Wind Witch8 - 9A HHumanoid0
En'kilah Ghoul69 - 70A HUndead0
Rabid Shadowhide Gnoll21 - 22A HHumanoid0
Stonesplinter Geomancer17 - 18A HHumanoid0
Frostmane Seer8 - 9A HHumanoid0
Wailing Ancestor9 - 10A HUndead0
Kul Tiras Sailor5 - 6A HHumanoid0
Dunemaul Brute47 - 48A HHumanoid0
Bloodsail Mage40 - 41A HHumanoid0
Nazzivus Satyr12 - 13A HDemon0
Grimtotem Stomper26 - 27A HHumanoid0
Deranged Explorer
<Explorers' League>
70 - 71A HHumanoid0
Dustwind Storm Witch10 - 11A HHumanoid0
Mosh'Ogg Witch Doctor36 - 37A HHumanoid0
Witchwing Roguefeather15 - 16A HHumanoid0
Caverndeep Ambusher25 - 26A HHumanoid0
Riverpaw Scout12 - 13A HHumanoid0
Gnarlpine Augur8 - 9A HHumanoid0
Galak Stormer26 - 27A HHumanoid0
Witherbark Witch Doctor33 - 34A HHumanoid0
Freezing Ghoul55 - 56A HUndead0
Bloodsail Swabby40 - 41A HHumanoid0
Shadowhide Brute23 - 24A HHumanoid0
Blackrock Summoner22 - 23A HHumanoid0
Bloodsail Elder Magus41 - 42A HHumanoid0