Furious Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders - Items - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Furious Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders


Furious Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders
Binds when picked up
994 Armor
+102 Stamina
+45 Intellect
Yellow Socket
Socket Bonus: +2 mana per 5 sec.
Durability 85 / 85
Classes: Shaman
Requires Level 80
Item Level 232
Equip: Improves spell power by 96.
Equip: Restores 25 mana per 5 sec.
Equip: Improves your resilience rating by 60 (0.73% @ L80).

Furious Gladiator's Wartide (0/5)
(2) Set: Increases spell power by 29.
(2) Set: +100 resilience rating.
(4) Set: Increases spell power by 88.
(4) Set: Reduces the cooldown of your Grounding Totem ability by 1500.1 sec.

Additional Information

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<Emblem of Triumph Quartermaster>
80Hrothgar's LandingA H50
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<Emblem of Triumph Quartermaster>
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<Northrend Armor Quartermaster>
65OrgrimmarA H34,700
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<Apprentice Arena Vendor>
70TanarisA H34,700
Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes
<Northrend Armor Quartermaster>
75Stormwind CityA H34,700
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<Apprentice Arena Vendor>
70Blade's Edge MountainsA H34,700
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<Emblem of Triumph Quartermaster>
80Hrothgar's LandingA H50
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<Emblem of Triumph Quartermaster>
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<Apprentice Arena Vendor>
75Crystalsong ForestA H34,700