Since Time Forgotten... - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Since Time Forgotten...


  • Level: 68
  • Requires level: 65
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Leoroxx
  • End: Leoroxx
  • Sharable
  • Difficulty: 65  66  70  75
2.Since Time Forgotten...
Slay Gnosh Brognat, leader of the ogres at the Bladespire Outpost.
Gnosh Brognat slain


The entirety of this quest happens in Blade's Edge Mountains.
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Since time forgotten we have fought with the Bladespire ogres.

We have managed to push them back so that now they only hold a tenuous grip at Bladespire Outpost. It's back the way that you came, on the southwestern edge of the Razor Ridge.

Prove your worth to me by killing their leader, Gnosh Brognat.

Let us see what stuff you are made of when fighting the ogres.


Also, you get: 3 90


The Mok'Nathal do not accept failure, or make excuses. Either you vanquish your foe, or he kills you!

Since you are standing before me, you must have killed Gnosh Brognat already.


<Leoroxx appraises you with a keen eye, seemingly trying to take your measure.>

The death of Gnosh Brognat is a boon to all of the Mok'Nathal. This is a good thing for you.

Let us see if we can push the boundaries of your prowess just a bit more.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1200 experience (72 at max. level)

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