Slay Dreadwing.
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My hunters have just returned from a scouting mission to the Singing Ridge. It seems that the nether drakes, which infest the crystals there, have increased greatly in number, and threaten to spill out into our laps.
Since you have proven yourself a competent slayer, let us see if your <class> skills are the match of an adult drake.
Find the Singing Ridge by heading south through the Scalewing Shelf. Enter and slay their brood mother, Dreadwing.
You can choose one of these awards:
Also, you get:
3 90
Though you will not further yourself in my eyes, there is no shame in admitting that you aren't up to the challenge of slaying the mother of the Singing Ridge nether drakes.
Is that what you are here to tell me?
No? You slew Dreadwing? Perhaps I was wrong about you, <class>.
Still, you have slain the chiefs of the three greatest threats that we face. That is something to be proud of.
I offer you a token of my appreciation, but don't let it go to your head. You still do not fully understand what it is to be Mok'Nathal, and we may still have need to call upon your skills.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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