Use the Sparrowhawk Net to capture a Wild Sparrowhawk and bring it to Watcher Elaira on the Twilight Ridge.
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The entirety of this quest happens in Zangarmarsh.
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The wild sparrowhawks of Nagrand have the keenest sight of all the predatory birds here. But, because of their size, they've been pushed out of most areas by the larger windrocs.
Most of the sparrowhawks nest here, on the Twilight Ridge. If you can catch one, I'll train it to spot the pieces of your buried tablet.
It's going to be difficult, though. The sparrowhawks are very skittish and will flee at your approach. I'd suggest cornering one or prowling to get close enough to cast your net.
Did you catch one of the sparrowhawks?
Well done! I'm still in the process of getting the hawks to trust me, but I know enough about them to train this one for your needs.
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