Bring Arthorn's Package to Morthis Whisperwing at Cenarion Refuge.
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Bring the essences to Morthis Whisperwing, along with word of our findings about the raven god.
Morthis will know best how to use the essences and information in drawing Anzu out into the open. Make your way to him quickly, for there's no telling how long Clintar and the dreamwardens can withstand the raven's assault!
<Arthorn grabs your arm before you turn to leave>.
Please, <name>, tell Morthis how much of a help I've been to you. I fear he will not see my hand in this work!
I've been waiting for word from Arthorn. What have you discovered?
<Morthis accepts the package, opens it to discover Arthorn's notes, and reads over them without commenting on the author.>
On one level, I'm relieved to finally know the identity of our enemy, but this Anzu is a being of considerable power. Knowing the nature and the name of your adversary is vital, but we are not yet ready to face him.
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